Church and Community Prayer 6:30PM
Open Bible Study 6:30 PM till God is done.
All are welcome - We do not judge as judgement belongs to God.

Support God's Kingdom
When we support the Kingdom of God we are able to see great things happen around the world. Our ministry does not stop within the four walls of a building. We the saint's of Go are the church, and we work daily reaching outside the walss reaching everyone we can with the love and true gospel of jesus Christ. If you would like to help in the building of God's Kingdom you may do so through out site, usps mail service or cash app.

To reach the lost world with the true love and gospel of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Seeking all in the hopes that they too will surrender their life to God. Building the Kingdom of God on soul at a time without pre-judgements as Jesus Christ did while He was on the earth. We know and understand that all have sinned and are need of true biblical salvation.
It dos not matter where or what a persons has done, GOD wants to save them from this world of sin and place them into His family.
Each person should always understand that a true change comes when you start your walk with God. Don't let those that hold onto you past stop you from moving forward wioth God. Once God has set uou free there is devil in hell or person on this earth that has the power to pull your past life of sin out of the covered Blood of Jesus Christ. Move forward rejoiving in your new life, let them answer to God on judgement day for believing they had the right to uncover something God covered with His Blod. Hold you head up and trust God to lead our of this troubled world.
We are a church that truly believes everyone has the right to serve and live for God once he calls them to himself.

Heaven is our vision. As we enter his house to praise his Holy Name we gather in one mind and in one accord. Each saint here has come out of a world of sin and now lived for the One True Almighty God. We know and understand that God draws all men unto him for the purpose of puting him/her into His family.
We are daily blessed to see heaven in our sight, knowng that we are on our way to live with our Lord and Saviour for eternity. That is why we reach out with the true love of God not looking down, gossiping, talebearing, or judgeing anyone.
Our vision is to reach as many as we can and bring them home with us.
If you are looking for a church that is set up by God and not man you will find it here at the Way FREE Apostolic Chruch.
Come and grow with the family of God.